en sv


The reports contain information on New Nordic’s corporate governance and internal control.

Beginning after the 2020 financial year, the Board of Directors of New Nordic Healthbrands AB (publ) organisation number 556698-0453, will prepare a statutory corporate governance report in accordance with Chapter 6, sections 6 – 9 of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (1995:1554), which is subject to review by the company’s auditor. In addition to this, New Nordic Healthbrands AB applies the Swedish Corporate Governance Code in accordance with the revised code that entered into force on 1 December 2016. Since the legislation and the Code partially overlap, New Nordic Healthbrands AB submits a yearly Corporate Governance Report, which takes account of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act as well as the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. The company complies with the Code in all essential aspects. In three respects (one of which is found in the section on the Election Committee, one in the section on the Audit Committee, and one in the section on incentive programmes) an explanation is provided for deviations. The report also contains an account of the work of the Election Committee ahead of the years Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The Corporate Governance Report can be downloaded here:

Corporate Gorvernance Report 2020 (not examined by the company accountant)