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Selected financial data

(kSEK) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
The Share
Number of shares by end of the year’ 6.195.200 6.195.200 6.195.200 6.195.200 6.195.200
Own shares by 31st December* 0 0 0 0 0
Market price 31st December, SEK 16.65 29 88,4 56.80 81
Earnings per share, SEK* -1.00 -0,46 3,44 2.87 4.53
Equity per share, SEK* 17.11 18.17 19,42 16.92 16.45
Dividend per share, SEK* 0 0 1,25* 1.5 1.75
*For approval at Annual General Meeting
Company size
Number of employees by end of year 73 69 72 60 55
Market Cap 31 st December, tSEK 103.150 179.660 547.665 351.887 501.811
Operations, tSEK
Sales 533.849 487.501 514.845 450.064 452.613
EBITDA -1.272 -3.104 29.482 25.669 36.865
Operating profit -3.165 -4.748 28.547 24.916 36.305
Profit after financial items -5.915 -5.166 27.956 23.293 36.068
Profit after tax -6.194 -2.823 21.303 17.765 28.074
Gross margin, % 65.2 65.3 68.0 68.7 69.7
EBITDA margin, % -0,2 -0.6 5.7 5.7 8.1
Operating margin, % -0.6 -1.0 5.5 5.5 8.0
Profit margin after tax, % -1.1 -1.1 5.4 5.2 8.0
Sales growth, % 9.5 -5.3 14.4 0 15.0
Growth in earnings per share,% neg neg 19.9 -36.7 5.8
Balance sheet data
Total assets 249.060 251.673 238.351 191.491 197.187
Equity 106.030 112.572 120.316 104.808 101.917
Share Capital 6.195 6.195 6.195 6.195 6.195
Return on capital employed, % -4.1 19.6 22.8 31.9
Return on equity, % -5.5 -2.5 17.7 17 27.5
Sales per employee 7.519 7.065 7.801 7.827 8.540
Gross profit per employee 4.905 4.616 5.304 5.375 5.954
Profit per employee -83 -75 424 405 510
Financial position
Debt-equity ratio, times 1.35 1.24 0,98 0.83 0.93
Interest coverage, times -3.09 -4.4 48,1 43.4 93.6
Equity ratio, % 42.6 44.7 50,5 54.7 51.7
Cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities 26.934 -15.450 -7.870 19.680 -667
Cash flow from financing activities -20.596 16.589 12.071 -18.393 -1.249
Investments -2.968 -2.619 -2.971 1.882 1.684
* There are no dilutive effects.

Selected financial data

*For better view – use desktop

The Share (kSEK)

Number of shares by end of the year’
2022: 6.195.200
2021: 6.195.200
2020: 6.195.200
2019: 6.195.200
Own shares by 31st December*
2022: 0
2021: 0
2020: 0
2019: 0
Market price 31st December, SEK
2021: 88,4
2020: 56,80
2019: 81
Earnings per share, SEK*
2022: -0,46
2021: 3,44
2020: 2,87
2019: 4.53
Equity per share, SEK*
2022: 18,17
2021: 19,42
2020: 16,92
2019: 16.45
Dividend per share, SEK*
2021: 1,25*
2020: 1,50
2019: 1.75

Company size

Number of employees by end of year
2022: 69
2021: 72
2020: 60
2019: 55
Market Cap 31 st December,    tSEK
2021: 547.665
2020: 351,887
2019: 501.811

Operations, tSEK

2022: 487.501
2021: 514.845
2020: 450.064
2019: 452.613
2022: -3.104
2021: 29.482
2020: 25.669
2019: 36.865
Operating profit
2022: -4.748
2021: 28.547
2020: 24.916
2019: 36.305
Profit after financial items
2022: -5.166
2021: 27.956
2020: 23.293
2019: 36.068
Profit after tax
2022: -2.823
2021: 21.303
2020: 17.765
2019: 28.074


Gross margin, %
2022: 65.3
2021: 68.0
2020: 68.7
2019: 69,7
2022: -0.6
2021: 5.7
2020: 5.7
2019: 8,1
Operating margin, %
2022: -1.0
2021: 5.5
2020: 5.5
2019: 8,0
Profit margin after tax, %
2022: -1.1
2021: 5.4
2020: 5.2
2019: 8,0


Sales growth, %
2022: -5.3
2021: 14.4
2020: 0
2019: 15,0
Growth in earnings per share,%
2021: 19.9
2020: -36.7
2019: 5,8
2018: 30,5

Balance sheet data

Total assets
2022: 251.673
2021: 238.351
2020: 191.491
2019: 197.187
2018: 162.647
2022: 112.572
2021: 120.316
2020: 104.808
2019: 101.917
2018: 80.213
Share Capital
2022: 6.195
2021: 6.195
2020: 6.195
2019: 6.195
2018: 6.195


Return on capital employed, %
2022: -4.1
2021: 19.6
2020: 22.8
2019: 31,9
2018: 40,7
Return on equity, %
2022: -2-5
2021: 17,7
2020: 17
2019: 27,5
2018: 33,1
Sales per employee
2022: 7.065
2021: 7.801
2020: 7.827
2019: 8.540
2018: 8.467
Gross profit per employee
2022: 4.616
2021: 5.304
2020: 5.375
2019: 5.954
2018: 5.968
Profit per employee
2022: -75
2021: 424
2020: 405
2019: 510
2018: 520

Financial position

Debt-equity ratio, times
2022: 1.24
2021: 0,98
2020: 0.83
2019: 0,93
2018: 1.03
Interest coverage, times
2022: -4.4
2021: 48,1
2020: 43.4
2019: 93.6
2018: 100.7
Equity ratio, %
2022: 44.7
2021: 50,5
2020: 54.7
2019: 51.7
2018: 49.3

Cash flow

Cash flow from operating activities
2022: -15.450
2021: -7.870
2020: 19.680
2019: -667
2018: 17.852
Cash flow from financing activities
2022: 16.589
2021: 12.071
2020: -18.393
2019: -1.249
2018: -11.973
2022: -2.619
2021: -2.971
2020: 1.882
2019: 1.684
2018: 880

Gross profit: Gross margin as a percentage of net sales. EBITDA margin: Operating income before depreciation and amortization as a percentage of net sales. Operating margin: Operating profit after depreciation and amortization as a percentage of net sales. Profit margin: Profit after financial items as a percentage of net sales. Equity ratio: Equity as a percentage of total assets. Return on capital employed: Profit after financial items plus financial expenses divided by capital employed. Return on equity: Net income as a percentage of shareholders’ equity at period end. Debt-equity ratio: Total liabilities divided by shareholders equity. Interest coverage ratio: Operating income divided with interest expenses.