Herbal School
New Nordic Herbal School is very popular amongst retail staff everywhere. The school is already a tradition in the Nordic countries and this year the school started in the UK with huge success.
We manage our business primarily on a geographic national basis through our daughter companies or through reputable national distributors. Planning and reporting is made both on a country level and on brand level. At New Nordic we are convinced that driving growth and building brands, requires a strong engagement on a national local level. Engagement with retail customers, with the health care profession and with the end consumers. We seek to develop a deep and relevant consumer insight used to strengthen product development, packaging and the communications they deliver through internationally arranged marketing campaigns. The campaigns are primarily build on advertising directly to the end consume
with addition of shopper marketing programs that customise communication for different retail outlets and shoppers. The Company is also locally driving engagement, education and building leadership with health care professionals to strengthen their endorsement of the brands, which in turn build market share and brand loyalty. We engage with our retail partners to share expertise and provide shoppers with the best value and to educate and train the retailers personnel to enhance their knowledge of the New Nordic products. Additionally we have national in-house customer call centers and digital chat service to provide end consumers with a high-quality sales and post-sales support experience. Consumers are encouraged to call for advice through our advertising.